Tajjar-ul-Bahr is committed to provide Ship Owners, Ship Managers and Sea Staff with services of the highest quality in accordance with their requirements and expectation, always ensuring health, safety and environmental protection during services provision. Responsibility for commitment to Quality, Health, Safety and Environment rests with the highest level of Management in the company.

Tajjar-ul-bahr will achieve this by:

  • Implementing and continuously improving its quality management system in accordance with ISO 9001:2015 (QMS) requirements.
  • Emphasis on commitment to Health, Safety and Environment protection (HSE) in accordance with OHSAS 18001:2007 (OH&S MS) and ISO 14001:2015 (EMS).
  • Constantly improving skills and competence of Managerial Staff, Support Staff & Sea Staff by ensuring continuous training and awareness.
  • Careful monitoring of customer’s ships and Sea Staff performance by trained and experienced managerial staff.
  • Ensuring full compliance with all related conventions, laws & regulations.


Tajjar-ul-bahr shall cater to the customer requirements and expectation through stringent compliance with ISO 9001 & InterManager Standards, ISM Code, and ISPS Code which shall be taken as minimum guidelines for the company’s QHSE System. Customer’s satisfaction, occupational safety and pollution prevention shall always be paramount and any neglect in this regards could lead to dismissal of the person concerned. The Company’s QHSE System shall be a live system and under constant review for improvements. Suggestions in this respect shall always be encouraged and welcome from all levels within the Company both afloat and ashore.

Tajjar-ul-bahr shall unceasingly maintain its:

  • Safety Management System (SMS) as per the ISM Code under IMO RES. A.741 (18).
  • The requirements of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
  • The requirements of the IMO International Ship & Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code.
  • Adequate resources and shore-based support shall be provided to enable Designated Person ashore and to those responsible for safety and environmental protection to function efficiently.

Customer requirements and expectations shall be taken fully in account in implementation of this policy.


Responsibility and commitment to quality implementation of the ISM Code rests with the highest Authority in the Company Management.

The management policy on safety and environment protection is structured on a combination of the right skills, knowledge and experience, taking into account the relevant international conventions, classification and national regulations, the direct involvement of the decision-making management, its attitude being reflected in Company policy and thus directly in the work of all the Company employees ashore and afloat with commitment, competence, attitudes and motivation, with a continuous process of measurable quality of improvement, and ensuring that the Master is not only competent and fully conversant with and dedicated to the maintenance of the company’s safety management system (SMS) and the appropriate safety and environmental protection standards, but also to ensure that he is given all the necessary support and authority to perform his duties properly and safely.

The Company maintains a direct link with those onboard through a Designated Person Ashore-DPA (or in his absence through the Deputy Designated Person Ashore-DDPA) as shown in the Organizational Chart. The DPA (or in his absence DDPA) shall have direct access to the highest level of management. Their authority and responsibility shall include monitoring the safety and pollution-prevention aspects of the operation of ships, ensuring that adequate resources and shore-based support are available at all times. The ultimate responsibility for safety and environment protection rests with the Managing Director of the Company.

In addition to providing high quality safety management, Tajjar-ul-bahr will unceasingly maintain:

  • Safety Management System (SMS) as per the ISM Code under IMO RES. A.741 (18).
  • The requirements of the IMO International Safety Management (ISM) Code.
  • All Management vessels shall be inspected & audited on a half-yearly basis or as closely to such dates as possible depending on the vessel’s itinerary, accessibility and travel arrangements. The results of such inspections and audits shall be reviewed and brought to the attention of the Master, Chief Engineer and concerned personnel in the office.
  • The Application of the company’s policy shall apply to ALL vessels managed by the company.
  • Company policies shall be implemented and maintained at all levels of the organization, onboard ship and shore based.
  • Adequate resources and shore-based support shall be provided to enable Designated Person Ashore and to those responsible for safety and environmental protection in order for them efficiently carry out their duties.
Customer requirements and expectations shall be taken fully in account in implementation this policy.


Tajjar-ul-bahr’s objective is to conduct its operations so as to ensure safety at sea, prevention of human injury or loss of life and avoidance of damage to the environment and to property.

Tajjar-ul-bahr is dedicated to develop, implement and maintains the standards of safety and environmental protection with prudent and reasonable practicability.

Tajjar-ul-bahr establishes that all operations carried out by its personnel, both ashore and onboard, shall bear special emphasis to:

  • Provide for safe practice in ship operation.
  • Provide a safe working environment.
  • Establish safeguards against all identified risks.
  • Constantly improve the safety management skills of shipboard and shore-based personnel including preparing for emergency related to safety and environment protection.

Tajjar-ul-bahr requires that whenever a conflict arises between commercial or economic reasons and the above points, priority shall always be given to safety.


Tajjar-ul-bahr Ship Management’s policy with respect to the protection of the environment is that:

  • Tajjar recognizes its responsibilities for concerns with both long and short term effects of its operations on the environment and global ecology.
  • The Management supports the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and believes that the first line of defense against pollution is avoidance of accidents.
  • Within economic limitations of operation, Tajjar shall endeavor to maintain a leading position in the development of anti-pollution measures, compatible with the best safety and operating policies.
  • All employees have an obligation to ensure that they are fully aware of the impact of their activities on the environment and ensure that every effort is made to prevent pollution from Tajjar managed ships.
  • Tajjar will devote time and effort in developing this Policy and will provide such training, instruction, information and supervision as is necessary.
  • The Shipboard Contingency Plan, the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan and communications instructions contained in Chapter 8 of the Ship Board Management manual are to be followed at all times and are only to be overruled by considerations of safety


It is Tajjar-ul-bahr’s policy to maintain a safe and healthy; working environment, free from the unauthorized use of drugs and total prohibition on alcohol, and any forms of intoxicating, fermenting, hallucinating and mentally/physically impairing consumable.


  • Bringing, carrying, soliciting in and use of alcoholic beverages & drugs onboard of all vessels are strictly prohibited.
  • Carriage or consumption of drugs not obtained by prescription from a doctor or form the ship's medical chest through the Master is an offence. We will actively co-operate with any Government or Government Agency concerned with.
  • Maintain a safe and healthy working environment free from the unauthorized use of drugs and alcohol.
  • Misuse of legitimate drugs, or the use, possession, distribution or sale of illicit or un-prescribed drugs ashore or onboard ships is prohibited and any person(s) found in breach of this will be subject to immediate dismissal.
Tajjar-ul-bahr’s policy is that the only acceptable level of drug or alcohol content at any time MUST BE ZERO.


Tajjar-ul-bahr’s Seafarers Recruitment and Placement policy is to fully comply with the ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006 Regulation 1.4 “Recruitment and Placement”, recognizing that by establishing fair terms & conditions of service to Seafarers, with decent working and living conditions onboard, with cognizance to personal health & safety and Seafarers’ training & certification, and creating a level field with fair competition to Shipowners and Seafarers, it will create an efficient and productive environment that shall be beneficial to the industry.

The policy stringently focuses on the following MLC 2006 Standards:

  • Protect & promote Seafarers’ rights.
  • Ensuring Seafarers’ mandatory & appropriate training & qualifications.
  • Ensuring appropriate pre-joining medical examination & certification.
  • Employment pursuant to a CBA (Collective Bargaining Agreement).
  • No recruitment fees to be charged to the Seafarer.
  • No discrimination or exploitation of Seafarers.
  • Seafarers be informed all their rights and conditions onboard.
  • Seafarers’ right to make complaints & addressing the same.
  • Ensure natural justice for dealing with cases of incompetence or indiscipline consistent with national laws or the CBA.
  • Ensure working & living condition onboard complies with the Convention and / or the CBA.
  • Ensuring Seafarers protected for medical treatment & compensation, payment wages & repatriation, even if stranded in a foreign port, through P. & I. cover or other measures.
  • Provide safety training and other promotional guidance to Seafarers.


Tajjar-ul-bahr’s Ship Manning policy is to fully comply with the Pakistan “Merchant Shipping Ordinance 2001 – Part IV” and ILO Maritime Labour Convention 2006, recognizing that by establishing fair terms & conditions of service to Seafarers, with decent working and living conditions onboard, with cognizance to personal health & safety and Seafarers’ training & certification, and creating a level field with fair competition to Shipowners and Seafarers, it will create an efficient and productive environment that shall be beneficial to the industry.

The policy stringently focuses on the following MLC 2006 Standards:

  • Minimum age limitations for young seafarers and supervision of their safe working & training.
  • Pre-joining medical certification.
  • Training and qualifications.
  • Recruitment & Placement, by an approved SPRS.
  • Seafarers’ Employment Agreements (SEA).
  • Timely payment of wages.
  • Accommodated and recreational facilities.
  • Control stipulated hours of work and rest.
  • Entitlement leave and repatriation.
  • Food, catering and hygiene.
  • Medical care onboard and ashore.
  • Shipowner’s liability medical treatment and compensation death / disability and proper repatriation due sickness.
  • Health, safety and accident prevention.
  • Social security as prescribed by national legislation.
  • Seafarers onboard complaint procedures alleging breaches of MLC provisions.